
French Revolution

In Secondary Source, Teacher: Wallimann, Topic: Political, Unit 1: Enlightenment, Unit 2: French Revolution on March 14, 2011 at 10:56 pm

This article gives a background on the history of France’s government structure, and how monarchy had always been the system. It explains the continuous revolts and glitches within the system, and proves that monarchy was definitely not the ideal form of government. It gives backgrounds on all of the noteworthy French leaders, and describes the eras in which they ruled. The examples show how the monarchy slowly weakened and it became inevitable that a revolution was in store for them. The events mainly take place within the 1700’s, including brief information on King Louis XIV, and Louis XV. Major events include the French Revolution and the Enlightenment.

Citation: “Chapter 2 Page 1.” Center for History and New Media. Web. 16 Mar. 2011. <;.

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